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Pak drone recovered from field in Tarn Taran

The Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab Police, in a joint operation, recovered a Pakistan drone in a broken condition from a farming field in Tarn Taran district.
“On January 29, 2024, during night hours, vigilant BSF troops intercepted the movement of a suspected drone near Dal village in Tarn Taran. As per the laid down drill, BSF troops immediately cordoned off the anticipated dropping area,” the BSF stated on Tuesday.
The BSF further said during the search operation, the BSF troops successfully recovered one small drone in broken condition.
“Further on January 30, on first light of the day, an extensive joint search operation with Punjab Police was carried out in the depth area and expected dropping zone. During the search, BSF troops at 10.55 am successfully recovered one drone in partially broken condition. This recovery took place in the farming field adjacent to Mari Kamboke village in Tarn Taran,” it added.
The retrieved drone is a Quadcopter made in China, the BSF said.
